4th 4:35:14
Swim 28:44 (17th)
Bike 2:29:32 (3rd)
Run 1:33:05 (12th)
Back in Vegas! One year on - I'm defending champion and things are slightly different this year. I walk up to the Specialized Truck and my bike is there waiting for me. My brand new black Shiv, this time with my name printed on the frame - Hauschildt with the Aussie flag. Spider Monkey (Joe), Mallory & Paddy are there to greet me and go out of their way to help me and make sure my bike is in tip top shape. Race morning, I arrive at T1 to rack my bike and Spider Monkey is already there ready to pump my tyres. I am so thankful to have such wonderful support from my sponsors.

1min into the swim I'm sitting in the pack, 5min gone and I'm still there... I see the purple cap of Angela, one point ahead of me, the next beside me, the next behind me. We take in turns of sitting on each others feet as we make our way to the finish chute WITH the pack. The swim is both our weakest legs by far so we were pretty excited to exit the water with the group. This is the first time I have ever swam in a pack, EVER, and I actually felt like I belonged. I held my ground. There were a few taps on the feet, clips on the shoulder but nothing like I expected. Usually I get a few biffs and I back off, I let the pack go, I panic. But not today. And I owe a huge thanks to Tenille for helping me conquer this fear, start quicker and sit on feet. It isn't so bad swimming in the pack after all.

I want to send out a huge thank you to all my sponsors, manager, friends and family who all stand by me whether I have an awesome day or a not. Also a special thanks to Chuck from Colorado Multisport for transporting my bike to and from Vegas. James from Colorado Multisport for building my bike and 'Dream Team Triathlon', a Youth Triathlon Squad in Georgia who have appointed me Team Captain and shown me tremendous support throughout the year. And finally Jared, my husband for always being there for me. He never gets mad at me even when I'm a pain in the a**!